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Disclosing source affiliations

Present students with the articles below to model how journalists can disclose professional affiliations and potential conflicts of interest in public safety reporting. Have students work individually, in pairs, or in groups to develop a list of ethical standards that they would use to inform what types of affiliations, relationships, and professional history should be disclosed in their reporting.

  • Source: Asher, J. (2022, February 1). We need to understand America's spike in murders. CNN.

    • “Jeff Asher is co-founder of AH Datalytics. A nationally recognized data analyst with expertise in evaluating criminal justice data, he has worked as an analyst for the CIA, the US Department of Defense and the New Orleans Police Department. His work has appeared in FiveThirtyEight, the New York Times, Slate and other publications. Follow him on Twitter @crimealytics. The views expressed here are his own.”

  • Source: Ritchie, A. J. (2018, January 12). Perspective |  How some cops use the badge to commit sex crimes   The Washington Post.

    • “Former police officer turned professor Phil Stinson conducted a national analysis of more than 500 officer arrests for sexual misconduct over a three-year period.”

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